Kimberly covered markets and companies for Markets Insider, a vertical of Business Insider, focused on the retail investor and millennials.

"Spotify is hemorrhaging money and it needs to become Netflix to stop the bleeding," Markets Insider, March 17, 2018

In disclosing its financials for its direct public offering, Spotify revealed that it was spending billions of dollars on royalties and music licensing fees. One industry proposes a novel solution to cap the music-streaming company's bleeding — become the Netflix of music. Read more here.

"The key for retailers to win the war against Amazon is to embrace it," Markets Insider, February 23, 2018

While retailers are scrambling to shore up their defenses against the looming threat of Amazon, a retail consultancy expert says that the best strategy is to embrace the ecommerce giant rather than fight it. Read more here.

(To read more of her work at Business Insider, click here.)